Wednesday, September 30, 2009

23 Weeks, Beginning of the 6th month

Today, Sept. 30th I am 23 weeks pregnant, the beginning of my 6th month! This baby is so active and I am loving every minute of it. In fact I would prefer the baby to kick me rather than not. :) People tell me that I will change my mind as the baby gets bigger because sometimes those kicks can really hurt.

Baby Wertz is over 11 inches long and weighs more than 1 pound, about as much as a large mango. Last night I could see the baby kick me in my stomach. It was so neat. Craig still has not felt the baby kick yet, but our friend Laura got to feel the baby kick the other night. :) Blood vessels in the babys lungs are developing to prepare for breathing and the baby can hear loud sounds. Hopefully these loud sounds, the vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, will become familiar to the baby so it will not faze him/her when they are in the outside world.

I am feeling pretty good. Having a little trouble sleeping but I guess that's just getting me prepared for when the baby arrives. :) I really can't complain because the 2nd trimester is going pretty smooth.

In honor of Baby Wertz this week, have a mango!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Blog Crazy/Fall Beginnings

I have just discovered how to make changes (cute changes) to my blog and I have gone crazy. I keep changing things because I keep finding cute backgrounds. But I think for the fall/halloween season I will keep this pumpkin background.

Right now (end of September/beginning of October) I am going through EVERYTHING in our house trying to collect things for a yard sale the weekend of Oct. 10th. Craig's parents (my in-laws) subdivision has a spring and fall yard sale. So I am trying to clean things out of the house to make room for the baby and in return make some extra cash. Lets pray the weather is good that day. :)

Also that weekend is the opening weekend of Keeneland. 3 weeks of live horse racing. :) YAY!! I use to get really excited about this, but I'm not for sure how I feel this year about standing all day and waiting in line for the restrooms. We'll probably go on a slow day. :)

September has been a busy month. It's sad to see it come to an end. But we have so much to look forward to, I can't help but be excited for fall. September we made a lot of memories with our trip to Gatlinburg with Mom and Dad. Our 20 week ultrasound and seeing our baby again. Of course there was the disappointment in not finding out the sex, but finding out that everything was normal was the BEST news we've ever heard. And celebrating Mom and Dad's 40th wedding anniversary with them and our family. They truly represent what "true love" is. Thanks for the great example Mom and Dad. :)

Cheers to a fun, happy and safe fall! :)


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

22 Weeks

Today, Sept. 23rd, I am 22 weeks pregnant! The baby is 11 inches in length, (the length of a spaghetti squash) and weighs 1 pound. The baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. His/Her lips, eyelids and eyebrows are becoming more distinct and he/she is developing tiny tooth buds beneath the gums. The eyes have formed but the irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment. If you could see inside the womb you'd be able to spot the fine hair on the body and the deep wrinkles on the skin.

I am feeling the baby move more and more. This baby is very active. I love it!! If I put my hand on my belly you can feel when the baby kicks. Unfortunately Craig hasn't gotten to feel it yet.

Right now I am trying to come up with a good Halloween costume for a pregnant lady. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know. :)
I am really looking forward to fall, probably because it's even closer to my due date. I know Craig and I will be very busy but I know I need to find some time to slow down and rest.

In honor of Baby Wertz this week, have a spaghetti squash. :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sex of the Baby

Last Friday Sept. 11, 2009 Craig and I had an ultrasound and doctors appointment. We were told that by 20 weeks we would be able to tell the sex of the baby on the ultrasound. We were so excited!! I told Craig, after today we will know who dominates in the house, boys or girls (we have 1 cat that is a girl and 1 that is a boy). We were in the ultrasound appointment for a good 30 minutes and we traveled all around my uterus. It was the greatest experience I had ever had. We saw the babies legs kicking, it opening and closing its mouth. It was very active. I could've sat there all day and watched it. The doctor requires you to have this ultrasound done at 20 weeks to measure the baby and see how everything is developing. So the technician took a lot of pictures. Towards the end, the technician said she was trying to determine the sex but was having some trouble. We asked "WHY". So she showed us a picture of the baby with its legs crossed!! The picture is a side view. And she of course wrote "legs crossed". She said that she usually can make a guess, but today she had no idea. I couldn't believe it. This child is already not cooperating. ;) Even though it was very frustrating not finding out. I LOVE this picture! It is so cute! And I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. After we did the ultrasound we met with our doctor and she said that everything from the ultrasound looked good and everything was normal. The only thing that they did not get a good picture of was the spinal cord. SO........she is requiring us to come back and have another ultrasound done. YAY! The baby will be much bigger then (25 weeks) and hopefully it will be spread out, with the legs spread apart. :) Plus we get to see our baby again! October can't get here fast enough.
So even though we didn't have sex news of the baby. We do have great news, everything looks good and normal!! And that's all we want! :)

21 Weeks

Today Sept. 16th, I am 21 weeks pregnant. The baby now weighs 3 quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long, the length of a carrot (not a baby carrot). I am feeling the baby more and more and I love it! The kicks are getting stronger and it no longer just feels like a little flutter. :) But I don't mind at all. The baby's eyebrows and lids are present now.

In honor of Baby Wertz this week, have a carrot. :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Gatlinburg Labor Day Weekend

Craig and I in front of the chalet

Our view from the chalet

At the aquarium

Craig and I on the deck of our chalet.

20 Weeks

Today is 9/9/09 and I am 20 weeks, halfway through my pregnancy. I can't believe how time has flown by. And I can not wait to meet Baby Wertz. Only a couple more weeks and we will know what we are having. :)
The baby weighs 10 1/2 ounces, 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel, the length of a banana. For the first 20 weeks, when a baby's legs are curled up against his/her torso and hard to measure, measurements are taken from the top of his/her head to his/her bottom — the "crown to rump" measurement. After 20 weeks, he or she is measured from head to toe.)
He/She is swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his/her digestive system.
As soon as we get the next ultrasound picture I will post it. I'll also post some pictures of our trip to Gatlinburg last weekend.

In honor of Baby Wertz this week, have a banana. :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

19 Weeks

Today, Sept. 2nd I am 19 weeks pregnant. The baby's sensory development is exploding. His/Her brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision and touch. Some research suggests that he/she may be able to hear our voices now. So I am going to start talking and singing to my stomach more. :)
The baby weighs 8 1/2 ounces and is 6 inches long (head to bottom). About the size of a large heirloom tomato. His/Her arms and legs are in the right proportion to each other and the rest of their body now.
I have been feeling some discomfort in my stomach, I am assuming that is the baby moving around and kicking. I just can't wait to feel the baby all the time and distinguish what kicks are. Only a couple more weeks and we will know the sex. :)

In honor of Baby Wertz this week, have a large heirloom tomato.